A Promise Kept Series


Why the title Power Of Discovery? True and correct principles never change and always work. As one discovers those principles and apply them into one’s life, power is the natural result. This power enhance life and relationships. There are many true and correct principles embedded in these stories, therefore the title Power Of Discovery.

About the Books

Power of Discovery

Gleaned from a lifetime of experiences, observations, Power of Discovery offers a collection of short stories that teach true and correct principles in a fun, enjoyable manner which has the power to motivate and change lives positively. Each story encourages personal evaluation and self-reflection.

The Hyatt’s share anecdotes from everyday life, each one imparting a valuable life lesson rooted in Christian principles. The stories offer profound truths such as being able to stand up to adverse winds or the importance of not becoming bogged down with work, preventing a person from living life with purpose.

In Power of Discovery, the Hyatt’s draw important lessons from life experiences to help others gain inspiration and find deeper meaning in everyday interactions.

 Throughout my life, I have observed and pondered everyday events and experiences of my own and others. I have read, listened to, and pondered there deeper meaning as I engaged in this process I learned many valuable principles that could be applied to various everyday life circumstances.

As grandchildren came into my life I would tell them stories drawn from my life’s observations, my ponderings, and stories I had mentally gathered. My grandkids loved the stories and we would spend great amounts of time talking about them, their meaning and how the principles that they taught applied to their personal currant life, the struggles and concerns they were having.

One year I decided to write some of my stories, put them into a book format, and give them to each of my grandkids for Christmas. Sometime later I was pleasantly surprised to learn that some of my grandkids were using the principles taught in the stories in their personal life. In one case my granddaughter used a principle from one of the stories to promote a point in a class discussion in school. the teacher was so impressed she asked my granddaughter to share the entire story with the class. A friend whom I had given the stories to so she could read them to her young daughter told me she would use principles from the stories in teaching her daughter , such as asking “ which wolf are you feeding.” These experiences along with other feedback lead me to believe the stories contained in Power of Discovery would be a value and blessing in the lives of others. With this inspiration, I was motivated to publish and make available to everyone the Power of Discovery.


Thoughtful stories with life lessons

Not much of a religious follower anymore but always enjoy reading moving or inspiring stories. Each story has Christian lessons or bible verses/references. I didn’t mind the references and enjoyed the stories in general for life and spirituality anyways. This would be a beautiful gift, especially for church friends or a bible study!



I'm not a religious person, but I still really loved this book and the stories and the lessons it contains. The book is broken into chapters, or individual stories, each with a short story or parable with a good life lesson and something to think about. Most have some sort of religious or bible lesson associated with it as well. The stories are short and interesting, and I think this would be a great bed time reading for older kids. Not only would you have a story to read to them, but you then have something to talk about with them and hopefully they will think about the message of the story as they go to sleep.


A book that aims to help readers discover their purpose in life

"Power of Discovery" by C. Blaine Hyatt MS is a book that aims to help readers discover their purpose in life and achieve personal fulfillment. It provides guidance on identifying one's passions, strengths, and values, and offers strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. The book also includes exercises and practical tools to help readers apply the concepts and ideas presented in the text. Overall, "Power of Discovery" appears to be a self-help book that may be of interest to those looking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose.

Aparna Preethi


“Power of Discovery” is an inspirational book with many uplifting short stories that will get you thinking and give you new-found strength. It is firmly rooted in Christian principles, so be aware of this when deciding if this book is for you or not. The chatty and light-hearted writing style is very enjoyable. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking comfort, hope and inspiration.


Power of Discovery is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance in life. The collection of short stories by the Hyatts not only entertains but also teaches valuable lessons that will undoubtedly change lives. The stories offer a fresh perspective on everyday life and are rooted in Christian principles, making them relatable and relevant to all. Each story encourages self-reflection and personal evaluation, providing readers with the tools to live life with purpose and meaning. The anecdotes are simple yet profound, and Hyatts' writing style is both engaging and enlightening. Overall, Power of Discovery is a powerful read that is sure to leave a lasting impact on its readers.
I've read his first book and highly recommend you taking time to enjoy these memories.
Jean Goode
I am finishing "Power of Discovery", a gift AH gave me when she came to Brazil some weeks ago. I read it outloud with my teenager kids. It has been a wonderful reading. Very inspirational! I am very thankful and honored that you took a time to write a dedication.
Paraguassú Sobral Pereira Junior
“The Power of Discover is rich with teaching opportunities. Great book to read together as a family!”
Linda Moore
I have read well over 500 books in my life, and this is one of the best I have ever read. It should be available reading for everyone.
Tom Sekavec
In reading Power of Discovery you will enjoy simple encouraging stories for daily life application written in a humorous yet Christian Foundation. My 9 year old daughter and I enjoyed our nightly readings together allowing us selfreflection , discussion and inspiration for our day to day journey. This is an amazing book that any reader is sure to enjoy.
Alyssa Frick
I find the short stories in Power of Discovery to be uplifting and inspiring. The life lessons in this book should be read and reread and passed on to others. I particularly like ”I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows” and “Lonely at the Top”. If you are looking for a quick read that touches the heart, you should read this book.
Linda J Riedel
“Power of Discovery” touched my very soul. This book’s collections of tender mercy stories and recollections warms my heart and empowers me to become a more noble child of God….to strive to be an “eagle”.
Vickie Elliott
The Power of Discovery features the seemingly lost art of sharing generational wisdom through storytelling. Blaine and Linda have an engaging style that makes you smile. Their personal stories, thoughts, and wise counsel are both entertaining and thought-provoking. You will want to share this unique book with friends and family!
Analise Carter
This book makes a good gift. The stories are fun to read and have good lessons you can use in your own life.
Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2020

Old Shop Stories

Time.  Past, future, present.  What is it?  Lives come and lives go.  The allusive thing called time flies on wings of lightning and the present slips silently into the past and is soon forgotten.  The old shop has lain silent now for many years. The secrets, stories, dreams and ambitions held within those walls have vanished and faded into an all but forgotten history. Along with the men who were in fact, that history.

 My dad spent a great amount of time in the old shop out back of our house where the farmers and others would bring equipment to be repaired, cars to be fixed and have all manner of things made. As a boy, youth and young adult I spent countless hours in the shop with my dad and others. These men would often sit around and talk about their life experiences most of them originating from the early to mid 1900’s

About fifteen years ago I became aware that when I die these experiences along with the unique culture in which they occurred  would be lost forever. With this in mind and wanting to preserve this portion of  history I decided to recall from memory and write the stories I heard while sitting around the potbellied stove in the old shop. 

The men and women who’s stories these were have lived their lives, become what they are and have taken that into their eternity.  They have created and left behind their legacy.  For them, life is as water under a bridge.  It is gone and cannot be altered for good or bad.  What is, is.  What was, was. .  You still have time to leave the legacy you choose to leave. Use your gift of time and choose wisely.            

Featured Book

6x9 FrontBook - Hyatt(momsbook)



File size ‏ : ‎ 7780 KB

Print length ‏ : ‎  24 pages

Language: English


6x9 FrontBook - Hyatt(momsbook)



File size ‏ : ‎ 7780 KB

Print length ‏ : ‎  24 pages

Language: English




Paperback: 24 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1489746730

ISBN-13: 978-1489746733



Paperback: 24 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1489746722

ISBN-13: 978-1489746726

Product Details


6x9 FrontBook - Hyatt(book2)


6x9 FrontBook - Hyatt(book2)



Paperback ‏ : ‎ 104 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1690601027

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1690601029


About the Author

C. Blaine Hyatt

C. Blaine Hyatt, M.S., spent many years of his adult life in various endeavors, including running a manufacturing business, sales, farming, hypnotherapy, teaching special education and coaching in the public school system. He concluded his career as a professor at Fort Hays State University.

Linda Lee Hyatt PhD, also a professor at Fort Hays State University, taught gifted education, special education, early childhood education and music, and was a public school administrator and teacher.

Throughout the years, the Hyatts have worked closely on a multitude of projects, giving presentations, developing and conducting seminars, and publishing children’s books and a variety of articles. They have four children, eleven grandchildren, and two great-grandsons.

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